Balochistan is the poorest of all provinces with 52 per cent population living below poverty line, followed by Sindh with 33 per cent, KP with 32 per cent and Punjab with 19 per cent. Refereeing to 46 per cent rural poverty compared with 18% urban poverty, report identifies stark inequalities over the incidence of poverty across regions, between provinces and within each province. Poorest of the poor districts in Balochistan and Sindh are demanding attention of the government. Pakistan’s increase in poverty is due to manifold reasons. Pakistan’s social indicators are at declining stage since three disasters (Earthquake in 2005 and then two floods of 2010 and 2011) attacked Pakistan. After last floods, Pakistan has started gradual recovery! The extent of flood havoc is so severe that it has shaken very fabric of Pakistani economy & World called it mother of all disasters. In first decade of the 21st century Pakistan has faced many disasters and still facing. Start from 9/11, severe earthquake in 2005 and then floods of 2010 and 2011. All have a greater impact on our socio-political and economic issues of Pakistan. In all these issues common citizen of Pakistan has suffered. Pakistan is very slow in achieving millennium Development Goals due to all these natural disasters.
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