Balochistan gushes blood and there seems no imminent desire by Pakistani civilian or military leaders to stem that bleeding
The key component of the game plan is deploying the jihadist proxies to neutralise the Baloch militants as well as to pry away the initiative from the latter’s secular leadership. The evolving, merging and/or overlapping groups such as the Jundullah successor Jaish-al-Adl (JA), the LeJ and the BMDT, share extreme Deobandism as their creed in which the Shia and, for that matter, anyone that they declare heretics are liable to be murdered. The obscure group Lashkar-e-Khurasan (LeK), which is essentially a conglomerate of the LeJ and JuL, slaughtered seven Baloch Zikris after attacking their zikrkhana (worship place) on August 28, 2014 in Awaran. The unmistakable sign of the deep state’s complicity came when the state tried to manipulate the funeral of the revered Baloch nationalist leader Nawab Khair Bux Marri this past June. The deep state’s operatives colluded with a disgruntled son of the late Nawab, Jangez Marri, and imposed Ramzan Mengal, the Balochistan chief of the LeJ’s political face, the Ahle-Sunnat-wal-Jamat (ASWJ), to lead the great nationalist leader’s funeral prayers. The Baloch nationalist cadres, especially their ladies, who by that time had realised what was going on, had to wrestle away Nawab Marri’s coffin and, ultimately, wrapped it in their national flag and buried him. Both Nawab Marri’s family, including his other son, Nawabzada Mehran Marri, and the Balochistan Students Organisation-Azaad, had in written statements squarely blamed state operatives for trying to hijack the nationalist leader’s funeral and imposing sectarian bigots on the Baloch.
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