Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pakistan must provide accountability for rising atrocities in Balochistan

The Pakistan government must immediately provide accountability for the alarming number of killings and abductions in Balochistan attributed to government forces in recent months, Amnesty International said today.
Amnesty International calls on the Pakistan government to:

  • Investigate all alleged human rights abuses, including all “disappearances” recorded by the judicial Commission of Inquiry for Missing Persons;
  • Bring all perpetrators of abuses to justice, whether they belong to security forces or non-state armed groups; and
  • Ensure that all individuals brought to justice receive a fair trial and are not subjected to torture or other abuse in detention.
"Pakistan's foreign allies should ensure military assistance is not linked to human rights abuses in Balochistan," said Sam Zarifi.
"As Pakistan's most significant international allies, Amnesty International calls on the United States and China to ensure their support for security forces in Balochistan does not assist human rights abusers."
Balochistan has a long history of civil and armed unrest since the creation of Pakistan in 1947, with ethnic Baloch groups advocating greater autonomy within the state or complete separation.
Balochistan holds the largest single source of domestic energy reserves in Pakistan, but Baloch groups argue these resources disproportionately benefit other provinces and ethnic communities

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