The Honorable John F. Kerry
218 Russell, Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Honorable Senator Kerry,
Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year.
At the outset of this letter please allow me to congratulate you on your
nomination as the next U.S. Secretary of State. We are confident that your vast
knowledge and experience in Asia, both in peace and conflicts will prove
to be a gain for the people around the globe.I am writing to you
concerning heightened Balochistan conflict in Pakistan, in your new capacity as
secretary of state and as the co-author of the “Enhanced Partnership with
Pakistan Act of 2009.”As you are very well aware about volatile situation and
conflicts in Pakistan and particularly about strategically significant region of
Balochistan where the Pakistani Security Forces on Christmas Day have launched a
scorched earth policy, attacking the town of Mashkay and destroying the nearby
tiny hamlet of Mehi in district Awaran
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