“Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances existing already, given and inherited from the past” — Karl Marx.
Haiyrbiyar Marri’s ‘Baloch Freedom Charter’ has generated a needless controversy in the social media and local media about who is right in supporting it and who in opposing it. The controversy has assumed an ugly and vicious character in which a no-holds-barred attitude prevails and everybody involved wants to outdo others in being blunt. My intention here is not to support any of the views, which I will certainly do if the situation demands, but to talk about the issue generally and how it is disillusioning friends, antagonising supporters and creating schisms instead of the unity that it was supposed to promote and create.
There is no place for Punjabi Colonialists in Balochistan.