Baloch Students and Youth Association (UK) is committed to contribute to a culture-among the Baloch socio-political activists-of increased respect to each other, listening, analyzing diverse views and opinions regarding the national issues facing the Baloch and Balochistan and to disseminate a vision of greater unity among the various sections of Baloch national struggle for the cherished cause of Baloch national Liberation. In this respect BSYA (UK) is arranging an event in which the prominent Baloch Nationalist Leaders Brahamdagh Bugti, Javed Mengal, Mehran Marri and Noordin Mengal will discuss the burning issues facing the Baloch National Resistance. This event will constitute of two parts. In the first part of the session, the speakers in their opening remarks will share their valuable views on different aspects of the Baloch national struggle and in the second part; the question and answer session will undertake.
All the Baloch brothers and sisters are invited to join us in this event. Your arrival on time will be much appreciated. Please click on the Map to locate the venue of the event.
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