In a turnaround, Chief Justice (CJ) Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry who until recently held the Frontier Corps (FC) responsible for the problems in Balochistan, observed on Tuesday that the worsening law and order in Balochistan could be arrested in a week if the FC so desired and also came up with the gem that, “It’s my belief that the situation can be cooled down and they (FC) can solve the problem in seven days.” One does not know whether to laugh or to cry at this naivety but perhaps then it is not naivety but a very calculated statement condoning the tactics that the FC has been employing to crush the Baloch struggle for their rights.
بلوچستان میں ریاست کی زیادتیاں اس حد تک بڑھ چکی ہیں کہ حکمران جماعت کے کچھ ارکان بھی گمشدگیوں اور قتل میں ریاست کے ملوث ہونے کی مذمت کر رہے ہیں
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