Baloch Human Rights Council has written a letter (posted by registered mail) to the UN Secretary General on the occasion of International Human Rights Day 10 December to intervene in Balochistan to end Pakistani state terrorism & barbarism in Balochistan. Copy of the letter is posted below;

His Excellency Ban
United Nations Plaza,
New York, NY 10017
Subject: Deteriorating
human right situation in Balochistan
Dear Sir,
On the occasion of International Human Rights
Day, we would like to draw your kind attention towards the deteriorating human
right situation in Pakistani controlled Balochistan where Pakistani security agencies have been involved in gruesome
violation of human rights of the Baloch political activists in recent months.
The violation of human rights is part of the
ruthless war which the Pakistani military has been waging in Balochistan for
the last many years, in which thousands of innocent men, women, and children
have been mercilessly killed, thousands have been displaced, and thousands are
missing. In this regard, we have been frequently drawing your attention about
the abductions of students, doctors, teachers, journalists, and human rights activists in Balochistan.
The Pakistani military establishment has created
numerous religious terrorist organizations as proxy death squads comprised of
drug peddlers, dacoits, and social outcasts. These organizations which are
working with different nomenclatures have been commissioned the task of
physically eliminating the Baloch intellectuals, political, and human rights activists by security agencies. The
graphic details of human rights violation in Balochistan have been published by
different non-governmental organizations and international humanitarian institutions
affiliated with the United Nations. There has
been a steady rise in the magnitude of the abduction of the Baloch by Pakistani
secret agencies for the last many months. The role of Pakistani army in the
killings and abduction of the Baloch activists has been highlighted by the Amnesty International in its various reports since 2007
on Balochistan.
Secretary General,
In the face of heinous crimes being committed by
the Pakistani security forces in Balochistan and the unchecked violations of
the basic human rights of the Baloch, the silence of the international
community is incomprehensible. Despite the repeated presentation to
international organizations including the UN by the representatives of the Baloch people, the international community is watching
silently while a whole nation is systematically being wiped out by the
Pakistani state through military aggression. This is high time for the
international community to rise and act before it is too late for the Baloch.
Dear Sir,
The situation for the Baloch is alarming. The
war against the Baloch is being waged without witnesses. The authorities are
refusing access to foreign observers, journalists, and humanitarian
organizations. Pakistani State Establishment is committing heinous crimes against humanity in Balochistan. The
Baloch are facing a systematic genocide. They need urgent help from the
civilized and democratic world. We hope that the honorable
Secretary General may kindly take a personal interest in pushing for a
thorough and independent international investigation into the cold-blooded
murders of the Baloch nationalist leaders and other serious abuses of human
rights and humanitarian laws by the Pakistani Army in Balochistan.
We request that this petition be taken as an
urgent humanitarian appeal.
Yours sincerely,
Samad Baloch
General Secretary
London , Dated: 10/12/2011
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