Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pakistani paramilitary Force (FC) is primarily responsible for the abduction Of Baloch

As the hearing of the turbulent state of affairs in Balochistan continues with the three-member Supreme Court bench investigating the petition filed by the Balochistan Bar Association, which is especially perturbed over the fate of missing persons, events do not appear to be headed in an especially promising direction. On the orders of the Supreme Court, the Frontier Corps (FC), on July 24, failed to produce the missing persons held by it, and it stated that it in fact holds no one in illegal custody.
This, of course, goes against logic: the Court had already heard detailed evidence that the ‘disappeared’ people were in FC custody, with the Balochistan police also testifying to this and stating that FC personnel had been spotted taking people away. The police said they were helpless under the circumstances. Human rights groups had already said that the paramilitary force was primarily responsible for the whisking away of people, many of them linked with nationalist elements or known to support them in ideological terms.

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